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 DeskTask 1.1 Beta 2

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#16 | Posted: 25 Jan 2009 05:42 | Edited by: Setsuna203 
OK, since I am already using DeskTask 1.1 Beta 2, I checked the options again...

Looks like the problem of the window ending up in the middle of the desktop starts somewhere else: The shortening function is not aware of pre-entries like start time or "All Day". This is one cause of the problem described above.

An even bigger problem is the "Show location"-option: no matter how short you cut the calender entry, the location will be always displayed at full length...

So it would be nice if DeskTask would include things like "All Day" and "Show location" when it calculates where to cut off, so the calender entries end up at the same width as the task entries. For example: assign the content of time, subject and location (incl. spaces, hyphens and brackets) to a string variable and cut that one off after set number of characters before printing to display.

Andre Santos
#17 | Posted: 17 Feb 2009 15:49 

Have you tried the latest 1.1 Beta 3 version?

André Santos
Carthago Software Support

#18 | Posted: 9 Mar 2009 12:00 
I am using Beta 3 now. The "All Day"-"Show Location"-problem still exists...

Another thing: If you want to open a task or calender entry it is pretty difficult to click with the mouse on it, since it seems to be just a line with 1pt. height on which you can click. A little bigger click area would be nice...

Except above I like the new version features like the indicator a lot!

#19 | Posted: 16 Apr 2011 05:30 
Still using Beta 3 now ^^ Kinda used to it.

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DeskTask Carthago Software forums / DeskTask /
 DeskTask 1.1 Beta 2

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