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 Tabs & Spaces

#1 | Posted: 7 Feb 2008 08:32 
I'm trying to configure Twistpad to insert tabs instead of spaces such that the the same position as it would if I was entering a tab but instead use spaces. If I use the "use spaces instead of tab" option, the same number of spaces are inserted regardless of the cursor position. For instance, if I have my tab stops set to 4 characters and I type two characters at the beginning of a line and then press tab, I want two space characters inserted. Doing so would put the cursor at the next 4 character tab stop, the same position as would be accomplished if a tab character was inserted. Twistpad (at least how I have it configured) inserts 4 characters regardless of where the cursor is. This behavior seems to defeat the purpose of a tab.

Andre Santos
#2 | Posted: 7 Feb 2008 16:54 
Hi, thanks again for your feedback.

Yes, I can confirm, when using the option "Use spaces instead of tabs", the spaces inserted don't respect the tab-stop position like you describe and as it should. It will be fixed in next version.


André Santos
Carthago Software Support

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 Tabs & Spaces

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